Dr. Betsy Greene
Dr. Greene is a Professor and Extension Horse Specialist at the University of Arizona. Her previous statewide extension programs at the University of Vermont have focused on preventative care and maintenance for horse health, safety, equine business, and pasture management. She has been active in the leadership of the eXtension “HorseQuest Community of Practice,” and has secured extramural funding for her research/outreach in pasture management, youth safety, and more. She collaborated with several state agencies to develop educational materials for equine owners and producers, including the award winning National Horse Safety on the Road Public Service Announcement.
At the University of Arizona, her extension program has a heavy emphasis on working with agricultural agents, 4-H leaders and youth to develop strong 4-H education programming, as well as addressing statewide industry issues. Dr. Greene has received state and national recognition for her teaching and extension efforts from professional societies including the Equine Science Award (2013) from the American Society of Animal Scientists and the Equine Science Society, and most recently the Outstanding Professional of the Year (2015) from the Joint Council of Extension Professionals.