Dora Delgado
Dora Delgado started with the Breeders’ Cup in 1983 and currently holds the position of Executive Vice President & Chief Racing Officer. She is primarily responsible for the development and administration of the Breeders’ Cup’s racing programs around the world including the Win and You’re In Challenge Series, the Dirt Dozen Bonus Series and thoroughbred racing’s greatest global event, the Breeders’ Cup World Championships. She is also responsible for the promotion and expansion of the foal and stallion nomination programs worldwide to maximize participation and generate program sustaining revenue.
In her role, Dora manages the event Equine Security Team, the Breeders’ Cup Veterinary Panel, the Field Selection Panel, the international liaisons, the Breeders’ Cup Racing team, and works with the host track and its staff to create the safest and most secure environment possible for the equine participants. She is also responsible for all horse recruitment, equine event logistics, and operational setup for the annual World Championships including communications with all federal, state, and international regulatory authorities and works with the host state racing commission to ensure that any necessary waivers, rules, and regulations are in place. Supervising a Racing & Nominations staff of four full-time employees, Dora also manages three international field representatives. She and her team ensure that all participants and their equine athletes receive a fair, safe and secure environment to race against the world’s best.
Delgado is passionate about equine safety, racing integrity and increasing the industry’s commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Throughout her career, she has continuously pushed the industry forward on these critical issues.
Dora was named a Sports Business Journal Game Changer in 2021, is a member of the American Horse Council’s Health & Regulatory Committee, a member of the Jockey’s Guild Research & Development Committee, a member of the Racing Officials Accreditation Program Board, is a member of the Advisory Committee for The Jockey Club Safety Net Foundation, serves on the Lexington Industry Group of the Welfare & Safety Committee, is a Board member of the Racing Medication & Testing Consortium, a Board member of the Gluck Equine Foundation, serves on the Board of the Racing Surfaces Testing Laboratory Board and previously served on the Board of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and served on the Steering Committee and the Racing Committee of the Thoroughbred Safety Coalition