Aldo Zamora
Aldo was born in Mexico City and is the proud son of a jockey. Aldo always loved handicapping and reading the Racing Form, so he jumped at the chance to become a jockey agent for his dad. After hustling for eight years at Emerald Downs, Aldo decided to pursue a managerial position at the track.
This is his third year in the RTIP, studying the management side of the business. He believes in the importance of having a strong connection between the frontside and backside. He interned with the Washington Horse Racing Commission, where he worked in many roles including clocker, receiving barn assistant, and paddock judge for the 2023 season.
For the 2024 season, he interned at Del Mar racetrack, where he worked as an entry clerk, and did various jobs around the track, from patrol judge, to assisting in the paddock, and much more.