Horse-Related Careers

Bloodstock Agent
The duty of the bloodstock agent is to attend sales and identify racing prospects based on breeding, look, and soundness. The bloodstock agent can purchase for him/herself or recommend the purchase of a specific horse to others.

horse farm

The breeder is where the racing career of a horse begins. Breeders can focus their attention on stallions or mares and select matings based on pedigree, race record, and success of current and past offspring. Some breeders choose to race the horses they breed, while others breed to sell.

Breed Registry Personnel
Each racing breed has a national breed registry responsible for registering the horses for racing and breeding. The organizations are large and employee a great number of executive, technical and clerical staff to serve the industry.

Equine Dentistry or Dental Technician
The equine dentist or dental technician specialized in the care of horses’ teeth and mouth. There is an accreditation process for those wishing to work in the field who do not hold a veterinary license. Most dental technicians work in association with a licensed veterinarian.

eqine therapy

Equine Therapist
The equine therapist’s job is two-fold; to keep healthy equine athletes in top form and help speed recovery time after an injury. From the very traditional application of equine massage and acupressure to much more highly technical forms of therapy such as therapeutic ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, photon therapy, laser therapy and magnetic therapy; a wide variety of methods and modalities are used. Many equine therapists provide secondary care to the horse, working hand in hand with the horse’s veterinarian.

Exercise Rider
An important person in the training of the race horse is the exercise rider. The exercise rider can be employed by one trainer or work independently for a number of trainers and is responsible for working the horses out on the track in the morning. Some exercise riders go on to be successful jockeys.

Farm Manager/Administrators
The farm manager is responsible for overseeing the farm operations whether it is a breeding farm, a lay-up facility, or a training facility. Each of these three operations has different management needs and the farm manager should be knowledgeable in his/her field.


 Farrier (Blacksmith)
The horseshoer not only must properly shoe the equine athlete but must be concerned with the total welfare of the horse as it relates to the bone, hoof and demands of racing. Some equine schools offer course in this field, many gain experience with hands-on work with an established farrier.

The groom is responsible for the day to day care of his/her assigned horse(s). The day to day care includes the feeding, grooming and monitoring the health of the horse. The groom is also responsible for walking the horse to the paddock on race day.

harness racing

Harness Racing Driver
Harness tracks are racetracks where the horses are pull sulkies (carts) with drivers.  Like the jockey, driving is a specialized and exciting athletic career.

Hot Walker
After training or racing, horses must be walked to cool down. Often this will be done by a groom, but in larger stables there will be an individual assigned to this job.

The athletes that ride the horses in the race are subject to weight and size restrictions and may not be for everyone. After years of experience as an exercise rider those with the size and skill pursue the top level athletic competition of a jockey.

Jockey Agent
Many jockeys hire an agent to take care of their business for a percentage of his/her earnings. The agent will book all the mounts for the rider as well as manage their working schedule.

Proper nutrition is extremely important in maintaining the high energy needs of the race horse. The horses on the track require different nutritional needs compared to those in a back-yard setting. In addition to horses that are racing, horses used for breeding also have increased nutritional needs.

Re-Training and Re-Homing
Off-the-Track Thoroughbreds (OTTBs) are retrained for new disciplines before being placed in suitable homes. Organizations dedicated to this mission assess each horse’s potential for a second career and provide the necessary training to help them transition successfully.

The trainer is responsible for the management and care of all the horses in their stable. The trainer has to develop the horses through exercise, training and racing. Trainers must be able to communicate with horse owners regarding the progress of the horse. To become a licensed trainer one must pass a written, and often a practical, exam given by the jurisdiction in which he/she will work.

equine vet

Veterinarian – Official & Racing
There are at least two regulatory veterinarians working on track during the race meet. One of the vets is the official veterinarian who is responsible for the test barn and the lasix program, enforcing the rules and regulations of the state racing commission. The other vet is the racing veterinarian who performs soundness checks on all of the horses running or working at the track. The racing vet accompanies the horses from the paddock through the post parade to the starting gate and during the race. The racing vet is the eyes and ears of the stewards on the track and notifies them of any horse that may not be racing sound.

Veterinarian Assistant/Technician
The assistant will provide basic care for the animals under the practicing veterinarians’ instruction including medication application, assist with surgery and post-surgical care.

All of the careers listed previously are those that are specific to the racing industry, but the racing industry has careers that are similar to those found in other industries. Careers in racing are also available in the following departments.

Every business in racing has accounting departments or personnel. Each racetrack must have accountants familiar with the complexities of wagering. In addition all horse farms, vendors and other racing related businesses hire accountants or outsource the job.

Food & Beverage
An important aspect of each facility is its food and beverage service. The food and beverage department needs to supply food to the horsemen, fans and employees with a wide variety of choices. The department includes everyone from chefs and kitchen help to waiters to host and hostesses to management.

Marketing, Player Development & Media
The marketing and media department of the track is responsible for the marketing, promotion, and media relations of the track. The department works to advertise and sell their racing and track to local fans and fans across the country. Some of the job titles in this department are vice president of marketing, marketing director, director of media, marketing manager, player development or customer relations manager and promotions manager.

The operations department is given the duty of running the day-to-day operations of the track. The day-to-day operations can include the ticket office, parking, and human resources. In addition to the directors and managers, the department includes all those in the ticket office and the parking/valet attendants.

Each racetrack has a security department always on duty. The number of personnel in this department varies with the size of the racetrack. Security protects the horses, backstretch employees, mutuel area and the customers. Security also works closely with the regulatory agency to uphold the integrity of the sport.

Trade Associations
Most horsemen or racetracks belong to trade associations that are managed by executives and clerical staff with knowledge of both racing and association management.

In addition to the industry careers at the track and on the farms, there are many vendors that these facilities rely on to fulfill specific jobs or services in the conducting of horse racing.

Examples of some of these are:

  • Horse care/services
  • Private veterinarians
  • Pharmaceutical sales
  • Feed & tack suppliers
  • Horse transportation companies
  • Equine insurance agents
  • Farm equipment sales/service
  • Equine lawyers

Racetrack Services

  • Television and video services
  • Satellite services for video transmission
  • Account wagering companies process on-line wagers
  • Totalizator companies provide the wagering technology


  • Testing laboratories (chemists, technicians etc.)
  • Website specialist
  • Slots machine personnel (a number of racetracks also have slot machines at the track)