Mick Peterson


Michael "Mick" Peterson, Ph.D.

Michael “Mick” Peterson, Ph.D. is the Director of the Racetrack Safety Program and Professor of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Kentucky. He is also the Executive Director and a co-founder of the Racing Surfaces Testing Laboratory. Dr. Peterson’s research links traditional understanding of engineering mechanics and materials to the biomechanics of animals. Dr. Peterson’s passion is for increasing our understanding and the consistency of equine sport surfaces, especially Thoroughbred racing surfaces. Originating with ultrasonic imaging work on bone remodeling more than 25 years ago his equine research has gradually grown to encompass a wide range of testing, data collection and basic research on granular materials. He has published more than 100 refereed journal articles, 4 book chapters or guides, 6 patents, and more than 150 conference proceedings.